Daoxin Li. (2024). Modeling the distributional learning of verb argument structure. Talk at the 98th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 2024), New York, Jan 4 – 7, 2024.
Shengqi Zhong, Daoxin Li, & Kathryn Schuler. (2022). Adapting infant looking time paradigms for the web. Talk at the 47th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 47), Boston University, Boston MA, Nov 3 – 6, 2022. Slides
Qing Lyu, Hua Zheng, Daoxin Li, Li Zhang, Marianna Apidianaki, & Chris Callison-Burch. (2022). Is “my favorite new movie” my favorite movie? Probing the understanding of recursive noun phrases. Talk at the 2022 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2022), Seattle WA, Jul 10 - 15, 2022.
Daoxin Li, Shengqi Zhong, & Kathryn Schuler. (2022). Adapting infant looking time paradigms for the web. Talk at the XXII Biennial International Congress of Infant Studies (ICIS 2022), Ottawa, Canada, Jul 7 – 10, 2022.
Daoxin Li. (2022). Passives, impersonals, and Voice in Sakha. Talk at the 58th annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 58), University of Chicago, Chicago IL, Apr 22 – 24, 2022.
Daoxin Li. (2022). Passives, impersonals, and Voice in Sakha. Talk at the 7th Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic (Tu+7), University of Connecticut, Storrs CT, Feb 18 – 19, 2022. (Virtual) Slides
Daoxin Li & Kathryn Schuler. (2022). Acquiring recursive structures through distributional learning. Talk at the 96th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 2022), Washington DC, Jan 6 – 9, 2022. Slides
Daoxin Li. (2021). Syntactic bootstrapping mental verbs and perception verbs with limited morphosyntactic cues. Talk at the 46th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 46), Boston University, Boston MA, Nov 4 – 7, 2021. (Virtual) Slides
Daoxin Li. (2021). Controlling overt subjects in Mandarin. Talk at the 33rd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL 33), University of Chicago, Chicago IL, Jun 24 – 25, 2021. (Virtual)
Daoxin Li & Kathryn Schuler. (2021). Acquiring recursive structures through distributional learning. Talk at “Recursion across Languages: The Intricacies of Babel” Workshop, Bucharest, Romania, Jun 1 – 2, 2021. (Virtual)
Daoxin Li & Kathryn Schuler. (2021). Acquiring recursive structures through distributional learning. Talk at the 34th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing (CUNY 34), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA, Mar 4 – 6, 2021. (Virtual) Slides
Daoxin Li. (2021). Controlling overt subjects in Mandarin. Talk at the 95th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 2021), San Francisco CA, Jan 7 – 10, 2021. (Virtual) Slides
Daoxin Li, Lydia Grohe, Petra Schulz, & Charles Yang. (2020). The distributional learning of recursive structures. Talk at the 45th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 45), Boston University, Boston MA, Nov 5 – 8, 2020. (Virtual) Slides
Li Yin, R. Malatesha Joshi, Daoxin Li, & Seon-Kee Kim. (2019). Graphotactic as well as phonological influences on decisions about consonant doubling among non-native speakers of English. Talk at the third annual conference of the Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA 2019), Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, India, Feb 28 – Mar 1, 2019.
Daoxin Li & Kathryn Schuler. (2024). Children can use distributional cues to acquire recursive structures. Poster at the 49th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 49), Boston University, Boston MA, Nov 7 – 10, 2024.
Daoxin Li & Kathryn Schuler. (2024). Children can use distributional cues to acquire recursive structures. Poster at the 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024), Rotterdam, Netherlands, Jul 24 - 27, 2024.
Daoxin Li, Christine Soh Yue, & John Trueswell. (2024). Is it a bat or a thing? Referential contrast in the learning of homophones and superordinate terms. Poster at the 46th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024), Rotterdam, Netherlands, Jul 24 - 27, 2024.
Daoxin Li & John Trueswell. (2024). One meaning or two? The role of referential contrast in the learning of homophones and superordinate terms. Poster at the 98th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 2024), New York NY, Jan 4 – 7, 2024.
Daoxin Li. (2023). Modelling the distributional learning of verb argument structure. Poster at the 48th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 48), Boston University, Boston MA, Nov 2 – 5, 2023. Poster
Daoxin Li & Kathryn Schuler. (2023). Distributional learning of recursive structures: The role of the structural representation. Poster at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cogntive Science Society (CogSci 2023), Sydney, Australia, Jul 26 - 29, 2023.
Daoxin Li & Kathryn Schuler. (2023). Distributional learning of recursive structures: The role of the structural representation. Poster at the 36th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP 36), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, Mar 9 – 11, 2023.
Daoxin Li & John Trueswell. (2023). Cross-situational learning homophones and general categories: The role of the referential domain. Poster at the 97th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 2023), Denver CO, Jan 5 – 8, 2023. Poster
Kathryn Schuler & Daoxin Li. (2022). Distributional learning of recursive structures: The role of the structural representation. Poster at the 47th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 47), Boston University, Boston MA, Nov 3 – 6, 2022. Poster
Qing Lyu, Hua Zheng, Daoxin Li, Li Zhang, Marianna Apidianaki, & Chris Callison-Burch. (2022). Is “my favorite new movie” my favorite movie? Probing the understanding of recursive noun phrases. Poster at the 9th annual Mid-Atlantic Student Colloquium on Speech, Language and Learning (MASC-SLL 2022), Temple University, Philadelphia PA, Apr 30, 2022.
Daoxin Li, Shengqi Zhong, & Kathryn Schuler. (2022). Adapting infant looking time paradigms for the web. Poster at the 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (HSP 35), University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz CA, Mar 24 – 26, 2022. Poster
Daoxin Li. (2022). Syntactic bootstrapping mental verbs and perception verbs with limited morphosyntactic cues. Poster at the 96th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 2022), Washington DC, Jan 6 – 9, 2022. Poster
Daoxin Li & Kathryn Schuler. (2021). Distributional learning of recursive structures. Poster at the 43rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2021), University of Vienna, Austria, Jul 26 – 29, 2021. (Virtual) Poster
Daoxin Li, Lydia Grohe, Petra Schulz, & Charles Yang. (2021). The distributional learning of recursive structures. Short talk at the 34th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing (CUNY 34), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA, Mar 4 – 6, 2021. (Virtual) Slides
Daoxin Li, Xiaolu Yang, Thomas Roeper, Michael Wilson, Rong Yin, Jaieun Kim, Emma Merritt, Diego Lopez, & Austin Tero. (2019). Acquisition of recursion in child Mandarin. Poster at the 44th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 44), Boston University, Boston MA, Nov 7 – 10, 2019. (Accepted as an alternate for talk)
Daoxin Li, Xiaolu Yang, Thomas Roeper, Michael Wilson, Rong Yin, Jaieun Kim, & Emma Merritt. (2019). Acquisition of recursion in child Mandarin. Poster at the the 14th bi-annual conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA 14), University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, Sep 12 – 14, 2019.